Monday, January 5, 2009

The Firsts of Today

Today was a day of several firsts for our kids!!!
For those of you that do not know, JohnAlex has had a feeding tube since he was 2 months old. We have been waiting anxiously for the GI to give the go ahead for the tube to come OUT! Today..... It is GONE!!!!!!!! No more tube for JohnAlex! My dad, JohnAlex and I went to eat Mexican to celebrate. JohnAlex ate some of a cheese enchilada, rice and beans which really surprised me!

Next, was a first for Aidan. Aidan got his FIRST pair of glasses today! I will let everyone see a picture of them as soon as I can convince him to SMILE at me with them on. haha I told him that they are his best friend and he has to keep up with and LOVE his best friend. HOPEFULLY he will actually wear them and keep up with them. We will see with time though! His Aunt Joyce fitted him today. They are blue and he picked the color out ALL BY HIMSELF!!!
We start school back tomorrow with Aidan. For the next couple of weeks, we will be reviewing all of the letters and sounds, numbers, shapes, colors (which are super easy for him), writing the letters we have already learned, and recitations that we have learned. Just getting him ready to move on to the NEXT thing that we have in store for him! He is now learning to read simple words and learning how to blend and sound out the words. I have been searching for a kindergarten curriculum or a K4 curriculum that is really great for him for NEXT fall! If anyone has any ideas, just let me know! We are also going to move on to our next FIAR (Five in a Row) book as well... just as soon as I find it. We may have to skip around as I find the books for a bit.

NOW for Lillian! Lillian gained weight today and is now 23lbs 2oz which made us very very proud! She is turning into a very beautiful 2 1/2 year old and we love her so much. She got her very 1st big haircut today!!! I came home from Johnson City with JohnAlex to find Lillian's hair all of the way to her neck. It is really adorable though! Her hair is in springy blonde curls all over her head now. I will take a picture so everyone can see! She is adorable with her haircut and I do love it.... just wish my Mom could have gave me SOME sort of warning.
She has really been pushing my buttons lately just to see just how far she can get and jussttt how much she can truly get away with.
Like the other day at Steak and Shake.... (this will be interesting for those of you that remembers quiet SHY Lillian) She kept running up and down the booths. I told her if she did it one more time then we would go to the car and she would get in her carseat. She did it again not believing me so I got Trey's keys and she started screaming. I told her to SIT DOWN and eat if she does not want to go to the car. She finally sat and ate... after Trey put a chair up so she couldn't run around anymore. At the end of the meal, I had to go take a potty break. Of COURSE Lillian AND Aidan just HAD to go with me. So I took them both... yup I am brave. Lillian kept flushing the toliet over and over again. I told her if you flush the toliet ONE MORE TIME then we are going to the car and YOU are going to the carseat. I really do not think she thought I was serious because can anyone guess just what she did?!?! YUP!!! SHE FLUSHED THE TOLIET..... and laughed while she did it. I got her up and got the keys and she went into the carseat. The lip came out and the tears starting like she could not BELIEVE that I actually disciplined her.

I will post some new pictures of the kids as soon as I get a chance!

If you are new to our family.... let me tell you a bit about it...
We are a family of 5...
We are....
Aidan age 4
Lillian age 2 1/2
JohnAlex who is currently 15 mos
Trey, my husband, who is about to be 25
And I am Courtney and I just turned 24.
Trey and I became a family almost 5 years ago on February the 14th of 2004.
We are finished with our family unless God has another plan and just enjoy being with our kids. We cherish every single day with them!
Aidan is currently being homeschooled and doing VERY well!
Nice to meet everyone!